About Me

Deepanker Verma 

Hello friends. I am Deepanker Verma, owner and founder of this computer How to blog.

Deepanker Verma is an engineering graduate. He is a computer geek who like computer programming, gaming and security.
Deepanker is a security researcher in Infosec Institute. He is also the owner of some good bolgs where he writes about PHP, website development, computer tips, tools, gadgets, smartphones, mobile apps and web applications.
Deepanker verma also found security bugs in some popular website (Pinterest, Guruji, NDTV, STAR, hotmentos and many more) and features in Softpedia news.  He is an independent security trainer who trained hundreds of students. He also  has an internationally published journal in IJCSIS journal and security article on CSRF vulnerability published in IEEE papers.

TrickndTricks blog mainly focus on geeky stuffs. In this blog, you will find some nice tips and tricks related to computer and internet. This blog has more than 60,000 page views per month and increasing day by day. 

Some of my other websites:

If you have any query, comment in my blog or send me email. I would try to answer as soon as possible. If you want to contact me you can use my gmail id or facebook account.
